WW Norton publishes The Well-Trained Mind, and WW Norton decides what to include in the book and when/whether they will publish a new edition.
Our online list of top recommendations was created as a place for items that, for various reasons (including space), couldn't be included in The Well-Trained Mind, 4th Edition. We update the online Extended Guide infrequently.
That said, we want to know about the new curriculum and have the opportunity to review it in future editions of The Well-Trained Mind or website updates.
If you are interested, complete this form to send us the information we need to know about your materials. Complete the form multiple times if you have multiple offerings; for example, if you created Wonderful Wings of Words, Elementary, and Wonderful Wings of Words, Middle School, send in two forms.
When we receive the form, the magic of technology puts all the information into a single location for us. That way, we can look at all the new offerings before updating any books or websites. We can also locate your offering when we get an influx of homeschooler requests for curriculum or other offerings to meet specific needs.
We can't promise anything — a response, review, or inclusion in future editions of the book or the online Extended Guide — but if we start planning for updates, we will be able to take a look at your product, and we will know how to get in touch with you.