Read this FAQ to learn more about the curriculum. All of the titles are for sale at The Well-Trained Mind
These 3 optional reference books can be purchased for the teacher or as a classroom set:
- The Grammar Guidebook can be used by teachers or students as a lifetime grammar guide.
- The Diagramming Dictionary gives teachers and/or students a power-assist for diagramming instruction.
- How to Diagram Any Sentence is a workbook that pairs with The Diagramming Dictionary to provide even more practice than is in the GftWTM workbooks.
Each teacher needs the Core Instructor Text, which is used to teach the content of all four colors/cycles of Student Workbooks.
- The teaching material is the same for each color/cycle.
- The student material differs in each book to provide variety over 4 cycles of practice. The student material is at the same "level" for each color.
Expect your students to take 1.5 to 2 years to cover all the material in a cycle/color, especially the first time through..
Each teacher needs an Answer Key. This is available in paperback or (from our store) in PDF.
Each student needs a Student Workbook. This is available in paperback, or (from our store) in PDF format. You can purchase materials for the students or license the right to reproduce student materials. This linked article goes into more detail about copyright, permission to quote from, purchasing, and licensing WTM Press materials.
How can I get student materials - purchase or license for classroom use?
How do I decide on the most cost-effective option?
- Look at the costs of printing, the flexibility you need for online or in-person instruction, the ease of administration, and the cost of purchase/shipping to determine what works best for you.
- In general, if you intend to use the whole book in one year, it is more cost-effective to purchase the paperback books from our store; if you will use only half the book, or if you need additional flexibility to deal with online instruction or assignment delivery, a license with a PDF for the source material is usually more economical.
- Teachers who are comfortable grading or teaching from a laptop can use the PDF to save some money on shipping and on the price of the product.
- In some situations, each family purchases the student workbook for its own student(s). They can purchase paperback or PDF (in which case, they can print the book again for other students within their household family - this does not infringe our generous copyright).
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